sudo apt install -y jq
# select jq 'select(.geo != null)' all.json wget -qO- | jq -r 'last(.vagrant.versions[]).builds[] | select(.os == "debian" and .arch == "x86_64").url' # contains echo "$json" | jq -c '.[] | select(.genre | contains("foo"))' # select multiple conditions jq -r 'select((.vendor == null) or (.vendor | contains("AVAGO") | not)).product' # select value jq -r '.[] | select(.protocol_port == 443) | .id' # read two values and search from file jq -r '.GeneralInfo.UUID + " " + (.NetworkEntry[] | select(.Notes | contains("-mgmt")).Entry)' *.json # not contain jq -r '.[] | select(.status | contains("CREATE_COMPLETE") | not).uuid' # search jq '[ .devices | select(.key | startswith("dimmer")) | .value = .value.state ] | from_entries' filename.json jq -r '.[] | select(."Fixed IP Addresses"[].ip_address | startswith("10.11")).ID' # pretty print cat /tmp/in.json | python -m json.tool # JSON Validator # parse key with spaces cat x.json | jq '."General Info"."Model No."' # marge JSON files jq -s '.' /tmp/*.json > out.json jq 'select(.host.nic1 != null)' *.json | jq -s '.' # filter not empty jq -r 'select(length > 0) | .Devices[].ModelNumber' # filter null value jq -r '.properties.sysadmin | select (.!=null) # convert value to lowercase jq -r '.foo | ascii_downcase # output without quotes cat file.json | jq -r '.name' # key containing blank storcli /c0/v0 show J | jq -r '.Controllers[0]."Response Data"."Virtual Drives"[0].State' # show multiple values jq -r '.[].Name, .[].HostConfig.RestartPolicy.Name' jq -r '.[] | (.Name + " " + .HostConfig.RestartPolicy.Name)' # show multiple values in multiple lines with additional text jq -r '"my_id: " + .id, "my_secret: " + .secret' # join lines jq -r '.security_group_ids | join(",")') # delete empty values jq 'del(.[][] | nulls)' jq 'del(.[][] | select(. == ""))' del(.[][] | select(. == "" or .BAR==0)) # split array to line jq -c '.[]' # split by jq -r #'.[]."Fixed IP Addresses" | split(",") | first | split("=") | nth(1)' # replace null with 0 ( // 0) # base64 (jq to bash) echo "${sample}" | jq -r '.[] | @base64' echo ${row} | base64 --decode | jq -r ${1}
processing Icinga warning Json list
curl -s -u "foo:bar" -k "" | \ jq --raw-output ' .status.service_status[] | select(.host_name | contains("dev")) | select(.status_information | contains("Apache", "Java")) | .host_name'
Marge files
jq -s . /tmp/x.json /tmp/y.json jq -s '[ .[0] + .[1] | group_by(.name)[] | select(length > 1) | add ]' registration.json useredits.json
Get first / last / Nth element from list
jq -r 'first(.security_group_ids[])' jq -r 'last(.security_group_ids[])' ( nth(1; .[] | select(.a == "x")) ) # search for dublettes jq -r .Name *.json | sort | uniq -c | grep -v " 1" # get array length / size jq length # get keys lldpctl -f json | jq -r '.lldp.interface[] | keys[] as $k | "\($k) \(.[$k] |"' lldpctl -f json | jq -r '.lldp.interface[] | with_entries(.value |=' lldpctl -f json | jq -r ".lldp.interface[].${NIC} | select(.chassis != null) .chassis | keys[]" lldpctl -f json | jq -r ".lldp.interface[].${NIC} | select(.chassis != null)"
Convert csv to json
jq --slurp --raw-input --raw-output \ 'split("\n") | .[1:] | map(split(",")) | map({ "id": .[0], "ascension": .[1], "declination": .[2], "ultraviolet": .[3]})' \ input.csv > output.json # add value jq --arg project_name ${PROJECT_NAME} --arg domain_name ${DOMAIN_NAME} '. + {"Project": $project_name, "Domain": $domain_name}' # map jq -Rs 'split("\n") | .[0:] | map(split(" ")) | map({ ID: .[0], Tanent: .[1] }) ' /tmp/server_project.csv jq -s '[ .[0] + .[1] | add ]' /tmp/server_list.json /tmp/server_project.json # convert to array jq --slurp . # get smallest object lsblk --include 8 -J | jq -r '.blockdevices | sort_by(.size) | last | .name' # get first and last element from array .foo[].bar | first, last # output as array | [.address, .host_name] '
YAML parser similar to jq