
# remove 3th line
sed -i 3d <filename>
# insert line on beginning of a file
sed -i '1i MY_TEXT' <FILE>
# String replace with sed
sed -i 's|[#]*param=[yes|no]*|param=yes|g' <FILE>
# search for line and replace value
sed '/ipsum/s/from/to/g'
sed /ipsum/{s/#//g;s/from/to/g;}
# add line to a file
sed -i '13i\YOUR_TEXT' <FILE>
# add line before last line
sed -i '$i test_line' <FILE>
# search block
sed -n '/FOO/,/BAR/p' <FILE>
# remove digits
echo ${FOO} | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' 
# remove blanks (trim)
cat <FILE> | sed 's/  */ /g'
# remove blanks and tabs
cat <FILE> | sed "s/[ \t][ ]*/ /g"
# remove all blanks
cat <FILE> | sed -e 's/[\t ]//g;/^$/d'
cat <FILE> | sed -e 's/[\t]/ /g;s/  */ /g'
sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//'
# trim leading and trailing whitespace
sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//'
# replace first blank
sed -r 's/\s+/,/' file_in
# replace multiple space with singe space
sed 's/  \+/ /g'
# write to file
sed 's/foot/bar/;w file'
# remove leading blank
sed "s/^[ ]*//"
# remove blank at end of line
sed 's/ *$//' file
# remove last comma
sed 's/,$/'
# cat from to
sed -n '/^START/,/^END/p' <FILE>
# Uncomment all lines
sed -i 's/^/#/' /etc/locale.gen
# replace key = value
sed -i "s|^tag = .*|tag = ${NEW_VALUE}|g" <FILE>
# replace string
echo "my foo bar" | sed -e s/foo//
# uncomment line
sed -i '/foo/s/^#//g' <FILE>
sed -i '/foo/, +1 s/^#//g' <FILE>
# comment in line
sed -i '/foo/s/^/#/g' <FILE>
sed -i '/foo/, +1 s/^/#/g' <FILE>
# delete all input lines which are not followed by a line with matching string
sed '$!N;/\n.*foo/d;P;D'
# delete lines
sed '/foo/d'
sed -n '/^foo$/,$p'
# remove string between
sed 's/[_| ].*:/ /g'
# print last line
sed '$!d'
# remove dos line break ^M
sed -e "s/\r//g"
# remove empty line
sed '/^$/d'
# delete string
sed -e "s/^$bar//"
# search and replace content in files
for FILE_PATH in $(ls /var/www/*/*/pages/*.html); do
    sed -i -E "/(German|Englisch)/s|/index.html|/portal/${FILE_PATH##*/}|g" ${FILE_PATH}