


sudo apt install -y wireguard
cd /etc/wireguard
umask 077;
wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey
Address =
ListenPort = 1194
PrivateKey = qz3LQkTEA8tOJEORyUxT2w2SIwdXwCLcO7joKq58tUs=
PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -A FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ens3 -j MASQUERADE
PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -D FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o ens3 -j MASQUERADE     
PublicKey = wL+h2EqxaQpcWgwO8SIXPGqhHgssvj9xqjHAPjYLJ28=
AllowedIPs =
sudo ufw allow 1194/udp
sudo ufw status
sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0
sudo systemctl start wg-quick@wg0
sudo systemctl status wg-quick@wg0
# watch connections
watch -n1 wg


Create anyconnect VPN connection on command line with nmcli

Create connection

nmcli connection add \
    connection.id vpn1 \
    connection.type vpn \
    connection.permissions "user:${USER}" \
    ipv4.routes "${VPN_ROUTES}" \
    ipv4.ignore-auto-routes yes \
    vpn.service-type org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openconnect \
    vpn.data "
        protocol = anyconnect,
        authtype = cert,
        gateway = ${VPN_GATEWAY},
        cacert = ${HOME}/vpn1/ca.pem,
        usercert = ${HOME}/vpn1/certificate.pem,
        userkey = ${HOME}/vpn1/priv.pem,
        cookie-flags = 2
    " \
    vpn.secrets "

Start connection and enter password once

nmcli connection up vpn1


#journalctl -fxe NM_CONNECTION=8d5ec3cb-99c5-47ea-84e2-38174cd14702
journalctl -fxe -t NetworkManager
cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/vpn1.nmconnection 
nmcli con show vpn1


LXD: Create WireGuard container

Create container

# Add ubuntu-minimal repository
lxc remote add --protocol simplestreams ubuntu-minimal https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/minimal/releases/
# Create LXD container
#lxc launch ubuntu-minimal:lts ${CONTAINER}
lxc launch ubuntu-minimal:22.04 ${CONTAINER}
# update APT packages
lxc exec ${CONTAINER} -- bash -c "export http_proxy=${http_proxy} && apt update && apt -y dist-upgrade && apt -y autoremove"
# Install WireGuard
lxc exec ${CONTAINER} -- bash -c "export http_proxy=${http_proxy} && apt install -y wireguard iptables iputils-ping"

Configure UDP 4000 port forward to wireguard container

lxc config device add ${CONTAINER} udp51820 proxy listen=udp: connect=udp:

Configure WireGuard

Side2Side VPN connection between OpenStack VPN and AVM Fritz!Box

Define variables for OpenStack VPN configuration

FRITZBOX_EXTERNAL_IP=x.x.x.x                    # curl ipinfo.io/ip
FRITZBOX_NETWORK=               # Heimnetz > Netzwerk > Netzwerkeinstellungen > IPv4-Einstellungen
PASSWORD='xxxxxxxx'                             # apg -m 32
OPENSTACK_SUBNET_ID=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx # openstack subnet list
OPENSTACK_ROUTER_ID=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx # openstack router list

Define variables

# Create ike v1 policy
openstack vpn ike policy create vpn_ike_1 \
  --ike-version v1 \
  --encryption-algorithm aes-256 \
  --auth-algorithm sha256 \
  --pfs group14
# Create ipsec policy
openstack vpn ipsec policy create vpn_ipsec_1 \
  --encryption-algorithm aes-256 \
  --auth-algorithm sha256 \
  --pfs group14
# Create service
openstack vpn service create vpn_service_1 \
  --router ${OPENSTACK_ROUTER_ID} 
# Create local endpoint group
openstack vpn endpoint group create vpn_endpoint_openstack \
  --type subnet \
# Create peer endpoint group
openstack vpn endpoint group create vpn_endpoint_fritzbox \
  --type cidr \
# Create connection
openstack vpn ipsec site connection create vpn_connection_1 \
  --vpnservice vpn_service_1 \
  --ikepolicy vpn_ike_1 \
  --ipsecpolicy vpn_ipsec_1 \
  --peer-address ${FRITZBOX_EXTERNAL_IP} \
  --peer-id ${FRITZBOX_NETWORK} \
  --psk ${PASSWORD} \
  --local-endpoint-group vpn_endpoint_openstack \
  --peer-endpoint-group vpn_endpoint_fritzbox

Allow SSH access from VPN

OpenStack Debug VPN connection

Find the VPN server and the relevant router UUID

# get VPN connection ID
openstack vpn ipsec site connection list | grep foo
openstack vpn ipsec site connection list --long | grep <project_id>
openstack vpn ipsec site connection show ${VPN_CONNECTION_ID}
VPN_SERVICE_ID=$(openstack vpn ipsec site connection show ${VPN_CONNECTION_ID} -c 'VPN Service' -f value)
openstack vpn service show ${VPN_SERVICE_ID}
# get router ID
ROUTER_ID=$(openstack vpn service show ${VPN_SERVICE_ID} -c Router -f value)

Find the ctl Node where the active router is running

ROUTER_PORT_ID=$(openstack port list --device-owner network:router_gateway -f value -c id --router ${ROUTER_ID})
CONTROL_NODE=$(openstack port show ${ROUTER_PORT_ID} -c binding_host_id -f value)
echo "ssh ${CONTROL_NODE} sudo ip netns exec qrouter-${ROUTER_ID} ip a s"

Connect to that ctl node and "jump" in its neutron-l3-agent docker container

OpenStack: VPNaaS (VPN)

# show VPN objects
openstack vpn ipsec site connection list
openstack vpn endpoint group list
openstack vpn service list
openstack vpn ipsec policy list
openstack vpn ike policy list
# show IP
openstack vpn service list --long
openstack vpn service list -c ID -f value | xargs -i openstack vpn service show {}
openstack vpn ipsec site connection list -c ID -f value | xargs -L1 openstack vpn ipsec site connection show

Check VPN peer address