# Create router
openstack router create test-router1 \
--centralized \
--ha \
--external-gateway public
# Show available tenant IPv6 subnet
openstack subnet pool list --share | grep tenant-subnet-pool-v6
# Create network
openstack network create test-network1
# DUAL-STACK: Create IPv4 subnet (skip for IPv6 only)
openstack subnet create test-subnet1-ipv4 \
--network test-network1 \
# DUAL-STACK: Attach IPv4 subnet to router (skip for IPv6 only)
openstack router add subnet test-router1 test-subnet1-ipv4
# Create IPv6 subnet
openstack subnet create test-subnet1-ipv6 \
--network test-network1 \
--ip-version 6 \
--subnet-pool tenant-subnet-pool-v6 \
--prefix-length 64 \
--ipv6-ra-mode dhcpv6-stateless \
--ipv6-address-mode dhcpv6-stateless
# Attach IPv6 subnet to router
openstack router add subnet test-router1 test-subnet1-ipv6
# OPTINAL: allow access from outside
openstack security group create ${SECURITY_GROUP}
# DUAL-STACK: allow access to Floating FIP from outside (skip for IPv6 only)
openstack security group rule create ${SECURITY_GROUP} --ethertype IPv4 --protocol icmp --ingress --remote-ip
openstack security group rule create ${SECURITY_GROUP} --ethertype IPv4 --protocol icmp --egress --remote-ip
openstack security group rule create ${SECURITY_GROUP} --ethertype IPv4 --protocol tcp --dst-port 22 --remote-ip