Magento: Erase saved credit card data

-- get order with saved cc data
SELECT so.increment_id
FROM sales_order_entity_varchar soev
INNER JOIN sales_order_entity soe ON soev.entity_id = soe.entity_id
INNER JOIN sales_order so ON soe.parent_id = so.entity_id
WHERE soev.attribute_id = 280
AND soev.VALUE != ""

-- get saved credit card owner
select value
from sales_order_entity_varchar
where attribute_id = 282
and entity_id in (
select entity_id
from sales_order_entity_varchar
where attribute_id = 280
and value != ""

-- erase credit card data by order id
SET @orderId = '100000013';

UPDATE sales_order_entity_varchar
WHERE entity_id = (
SELECT entity_id
FROM sales_order_entity
WHERE entity_type_id =14
AND parent_id = (
SELECT entity_id
FROM sales_order
WHERE increment_id = @orderId
AND attribute_id IN (
SELECT attribute_id
FROM eav_attribute
WHERE attribute_code LIKE 'cc_%'

-- erase credit card data by cc owner
SET @ccOwner = 'Mr. Smith';
SET @entityId = (select entity_id from sales_order_entity_varchar where value = @ccOwner);

update sales_order_entity_varchar
set value = null
where entity_id = @entityId
and attribute_id in (
SELECT attribute_id
FROM eav_attribute
WHERE attribute_code LIKE 'cc_%'

-- get attribute ids
SELECT attribute_id
FROM eav_attribute
where attribute_code in ('cc_number_enc', 'cc_last4', 'cc_owner', 'cc_exp_month', 'cc_exp_year', 'cc_type');

-- script to autocheck saved cc data



# search for saved cc customer
echo 'SELECT VALUE FROM sales_order_entity_varchar WHERE attribute_id = 282 AND entity_id IN (SELECT entity_id FROM sales_order_entity_varchar WHERE attribute_id = 280 AND VALUE != "")' | mysql -u ${DB_USER} -p${DB_PASS} ${DB_NAME} > /tmp/cc.log

# notify
if [ $(cat /tmp/cc.log | wc -l) -gt 1 ]; then
echo 'Subject: Please delete CC data' | cat - /tmp/cc.log | sendmail ${MAIL_TO}

# clean up
rm /tmp/cc.log